“Respect The Decision Of The People”: Liberian in Ghana Demands

(BY: Wilmot D. Dweh)

Former Chairman Liberian Refugees Welfare Council - Ghana
Former Chairman Liberian Refugees Welfare Council – Ghana

As calls for the decision of the Liberian people to be respected during these elections by the National Elections Commission (NEC) and other stakeholders continue to make the rounds, this time from Varney B. Sambola, former chairman of the Liberian Refugees Welfare Council currently residing in Ghana.
Mr. Sambola said the Elections Commission of Liberia and stakeholders must respect the decision of the Liberian people by giving the mandate to person the people shall choose.
He recounted that the civil war in Liberia was a result of manipulation and fraud which happened during the 1985 elections, it such is critical to the peace and democratic future of Liberia that the Election Commission and the stakeholders give the mandate to person the Liberian people shall choose.
According to Mr. Sambola by allowing whoever wins to be given the opportunity such would demonstrate respect for the voice and decision of the people and give a new face to the democratization of Liberia.
He said Liberians should desist from the old practice of turning things to the favor of certain people.
The former Refugee welfare Council chairman said “let this elections be a mark of a new birth of Liberia democracy in the 21 century” stressing that “it is sad that Liberia the father of Africa’s democracy and oldest country which should have been an example to champion the cause of Africa’s democracy has lost its place.
Moreover, he said though “our constitution made provision for a multi-party democracy. It is an abuse of our political culture for a country like Liberia with less than five million people, 15 counties, and 16 tribes to have 20 political parties contesting for the presidency”.
Hear him: “I hope we all come to our senses to add value to our long time freedom that we have had so that we can reclaim our position as the shining star of Africa,” he said.
On who should Liberians choose as their next leader, Mr. Sambola said “I would love to see a politically matured candidate take over the country as the next elected president . When it comes to leadership, we should not only focus on educational qualification. I do agree, it is part, but we must ask ourselves, does being a businessman, popular footballer, former warlord, vice president, counselor, etc, qualifies me to lead the Liberian people?” he asked and continued, “If I was to choose, I will choose based on character, maturity, experience, love and manifesto”.
He said Liberia needs a leader with experience in handling people who had been polluted by tribalism saying, “somebody who is inclined enough to unite the people of Liberia, experienced in creating opportunities, understanding and solving problems of the people” the exiled Liberian pointed out and continued, “ Liberia needs somebody with experienced in knowing the suffering of the people. The country needs someone that understands that the country needs paved roads, infrastructure, saved drinking water.
“Liberia needs a leader that will put Liberia first and give the country to Liberians,” he concluded.


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